AP BC Corporation Loans Apply Online 2025: District Wise, Status, Last Date

As we all know the government of india launches many scheme for indian citizens also the state government launches schemes this time the Andhra Pradesh State government has released a new opportunity for the Andhra pradesh weaker society employment peoples with the AP BC Corporation loans Apply Online. The government of Andhra Pradesh will provide an a loan to the selected weaker society applicants in  the form of loan.

By this amazing scheme the government will provide an support for the weaker people to start their own business or something else to give an employment to the society and also build jobs for others. Those applicants who are eligible in the loan can directly apply for this AP BC Corporation loans through the official website of AP BC Corporation loans.

AP BC Corporation Loans Apply Online
AP BC Corporation Loans Apply Online

About AP BC Corporation Loans Apply Online

The government of Andhra Pradesh aims to provide the a loan for the backward people of the telangana who wants to start their small business or something else by this the jobs are created also for the other peoples to decrease the unemployment form the andhre pradesh. The applicants are only eligible between the age of 20 years to 60 years old. The applicants didnt have to go or visit the office of government for apply in this scheme. The applicant can apply online from the official website of AP BC Corporation Loans.

Summary of AP BC Corporation Loans Apply Online

Name of the SchemeAP BC Corporation Loans Apply Online
Launched ByAndhra Pradesh State Government
Launch DateFebruary 2025
Announced ByAndhra Pradesh State Chief Minister
PurposeProvide financial assistance
BeneficiariesCitizens of Andhra Pradesh
Target BeneficiariesCitizens belonging to BC community
AdvantageFinancial assistance in the form of loan
Eligibility CriteriaCitizens between the age group of 21 to 60 years
Required DocumentsAadhaar Card, Bank account
Application ProcessOnline
Official Websitehttps://apobmms.apcfss.in/
Contact Details08662586585

Scheme Under AP BC Corporation Portal

Self-Employment Schemes

  • Self-employment schemes in Agriculture & Allied, Transport, Industries, Service, and Business Sectors

Generic Pharmacies Under MSME

  • Generic Pharmacies to the BC un-employed youth of D.Pharmacy / B.Pharmacy / M.Pharmacy Candidates.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The applicant will have to be from BC Community and also have their verified Comunity certificate.
  • Applicant have to be a permanent resident of Andhra Pradesh.
  • Applicant is under 20 years to 60 years old.
  • The applicant must be from the Below Poverty Line (BPL) Society. 
  • The applicant have their driving licence for their driving related Loan.
  • The citizens must have D.Pharmacy / B.Pharmacy / M.Pharmacy for Generic Pharmacies Schemes.

Required Documents

  • Proof of Identity (Aadhaar, Voter ID, PAN, Passport, etc)
  • Proof of Address (Electricity Bill, LPG Bill, Landline Bill, etc)
  • Proof of Birth (Birth Certificate)
  • Caste and Nativity Certificate 
  • Passport size photographs, etc

Financial Benefits 

  • In AP BC Corporation Loans The applicant will get the beneficiary Loan to the selected Applicant.

Details to be filled under Application Form

  • Belongs 
  • Aadhaar No
  • Mobile No
  • Name with Surname
  • Father Name
  • Gender
  • Date of Birth
  • Caste
  • Sub Caste

AP BC Corporation Loans Apply Online 2025 

STEP 1: The Applicants who wants to apply in this AP BC Corporation Loans will have to visit the official website.

STEP 2: On the homepage the applicant have to locate and click on the Register option.

STEP 3: Now on the next page the applicant have to fill all the details required in this loan process.

STEP 4: Now The applicant have to find and click on submit option. 

STEP 5: After that the applicant have to login through the username and mobile number.

Helpline Number 

  • 08662586585


Which state launched the BC Corporation Loans scheme?

AP BC Corporation Loans scheme was launched by the Andhra Pradash government. 

Who is eligible to avail the benefits of the AP BC Corporation Loans scheme?

All the Citizens who have their BC Community and their BC Community certificate can apply.

What is the main objective of launching the AP BC Corporation Loans scheme?

The purpose of this scheme is to support the financial unstable weaker socity people to start their own Bussiness.

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