Indiramma 1st Installment 2025: Check Release Date, Payment Status, Helpline Number

Good news for all the applicants of the Indiramma illu housing scheme recently the government of Telangana has announced that Indiramma 1st Installment 2025 has been released. All the applicants of Telangana who applied for the Indiramma Illu housing scheme can now check their status on the official website of Telangana government indiramma housing scheme portal. To check online payment status visit the official website from anywhere from their comfort payment status online check without any headache of visiting the government office to check.

The Applicants who are selected for the beneficiaries by the list of selected applicants can be rewarded to get the INR 5 Lakh from this scheme by the telangana government as a financial help for build their own house. The applicants can check their payment status from just visiting government website and fill their mandatory details.

Indiramma 1st Installment
Indiramma 1st Installment

About Indiramma Illu Housing Scheme

The Telangana government has announced to give help to the residents of telangana for those who don’t have their own house. By this the government has giving a INR 5 Lakh to the selected resident of the telangana financial weaker homeless populationto build their own house. Through the telangana government they aims to build the total 4.5 lakh houses by the first phase of the scheme. This indiramma housing scheme is significant to the government to less the problems of those homeless population in the state.

Helpful Summary of Indiramma 1st Installment

Key HighlightsDetails
Name of the SchemeIndiramma 1st Installment
Launched ByTelangana state government
Launch Date2025
Announced ByTelangana State Chief Minister
PurposeProvide financial assistance
BeneficiariesHomeless citizens of Telangana state
Target BeneficiariesHomeless citizens
AdvantageFinancial assistance of INR 5 lakh
Eligibility CriteriaFinancially unstable homeless citizens
Required DocumentsAadhaar Card, Bank account
Application ProcessOnline
Official Website 
Financial Commitment3000 crore
Expected BenefitsFinancial assistance of INR 5 lakh
Contact details 

Eligibility criteria

  • The Resident Of telangana can only eligible for this Indiramma housing Scheme
  • Only the Lower and middle class population is eligible.
  • The  Resident must do not have to be in any other Housing Scheme
  • The Applicant Don’t have their own house.

What is Indiramma 1st Installment Payment Release Date?

The Telangana Government has release the payments from the 26th January 2025. All the selected people will get their installment directly to their given account on 26th January directly.

Ineligibility Criteria

  • The Applicants Who already made their house after 1995 by the government are not eligible for the indramma housing Scheme
  • The Applicant don’t have their own pucca house.
  • The Applicant who have their job in government sector then they are not eligible for this scheme.

Financial Benefits

The Financial benefits of INR 5 Lakh will be given to the Applicants those who are selected for the beneficiaries under the Indiramma Illu housing scheme.

Required Documents

  • Aadhar card
  • Mobile No.         
  • Electricity bill
  • Address proof
  • Pan card
  • Ration card

Salient features

  • By this Indiramma housing scheme the telangana government eliminate the homeless population completely by the state.
  • The telangana state governmet has build the total 3500 houses across the 119 assemblies
  • The Government use the DBT method to provide the amount of the beneficiaries.
  • The Beneficiaries will get the INR 5 lakh to those who are selected in the Indiramma housing scheme.

How to check Indiramma 1st Installment Amount Release date?

Step 1: Those applicants who wants to apply under Indiramma 1st installment must have to visit the official website.

Indiramma Official Portal
Indiramma Official Portal

Step 2: On the homepage applicants have to find and check on Application amount option.

Step 3: Now on your screen the Indiramma 1st installment release date will shown.

Check Indiramma 1st Installment Payment Status

Step 1: All the Applicants those who wants to check their Indramma 1st installment payment status have to visit the official website.

Step 2: Now in front of you the homepage of the official website is appear locate and check the option “Payment Status”.

Step 3: Now in front of you there is a new page open where the citizen must have to enter the required details like mobile no., application no., ration card number.

Step 4: After that you have to recheck the all details you filled and check the option “Go” to complete the process of payment ststus check.

Offline process

Step 1: All the resident who have applied the application must have to visit their bank nearest branch.

Step 2: When Applicant Visit their Nearest branch applicant have to enquiry to the official bank concerned official.

Step 3: The Applcants have to said their requirements to the official concerned and after some time the beneficiaries will recived in the applicant bank account easily.

Detail mentioned under payment Status dashboard

  • Name Of the Applicant
  • Address Proof Of the applicant
  • Income dateils
  • Bank Account Details
  • Other personal details

Helpline Number

  • 040-29390057


Which State launched the indiramma Housing Scheme?

Telangana Governmet has launched the indiramma housing scheme.

When will the first installmentof the indiramma housing scheme?

The first installment of the indiramma housing scheme is on 26th January 2025.

What is required to check the payment status of the indiramma housing scheme?

The Applicants can check their status of payment by just entering their mobile number, application number,aadhar number,or the ration card number.

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