Mazi Shala Sundar Shala Registration Online, माझी शाळा, सुंदर शाळा नोंदणी

The Mazi Shala Sundar Shala (My School Beautiful School) campaign is implemented in all schools all over the state of Maharashtra for 45 days. This campaign is started by the Government of Maharashtra to make the teachers, parents, and students responsible for the school. This campaign will also provide a pleasant and inspiring environment for students. In this article further we will discuss the Mazi Shala Sundar Shala program in detail including Key Highlights, Objectives, Benefits & Features, Eligibility Criteria, Required Documents, Procedure to Apply, etc.

Mazi Shala Sundar Shala Registration

माझी शाळा, सुंदर शाळा नोंदणी

The government of Maharashtra has started a campaign named Mazi Shala Sundar Shala (My School Beautiful School) for all the government and private schools of Maharashtra state, which will focus on increasing the number of out-of-school children, attendance of students, cleanliness of school premises, health, environment conservation, national integration and much more. The main objective of this campaign is to create awareness among the teachers, parents, students, and alumni towards the school. This will help them develop and providing them with a pleasant and inspiring environment to learn in the competitive world.

Mahajyoti Free Tablet Yojana

Mazi Shala Sundar Shala Registration Key Highlights

Name of the CampaignMazi Shala Sundar Shala
Launched ByEducation Department, Government of Maharashtra State
ObjectiveTo create a sense of responsibility among the teachers, parents, students and alumni towards the school
BeneficiariesTeachers, Parents, Students and Alumni
Official Website

Objectives of Mazi Shala Sundar Shala

There are several objectives of this campaign which are as follows:

  • The primary objective of launching this campaign is to create a sense of responsibility among the teachers, parents, students and alumni towards the school of the Maharashtra state.
  • To provide a pleasant and inspiring environment for the students to learn in the competitive world.
  • To provide a quality education with the help of this campaign.

Maharashtra Saral School Portal 

Benefits & Features of Mazi Shala Sundar Shala

Here are some benefits & features of the campaign which are as follows:

  • This campaign will create a better learning environment for the students in the school.
  • This campaign will create a sense of responsibility among the teachers, parents, students and alumni towards the school.
  • This will increase the number of out-of-school children, attendance of students, cleanliness of school premises, health, environment conservation, national integration, and much more.
  • Students will understand the learning concept very easily via this scheme.
Eligibility Criteria
  • Teachers, parents, and students are eligible for the campaign.
  • Schools must be registered under the education department of Maharashtra State.
  • Schools must have all the required documents.

Maha CM Letter Registration

Required Documents
  • Aadhar Card
  • Address Proof
  • PAN Card
  • Class Decoration photo
  • Email ID
  • Mobile Number

Online Registration Procedure for Mazi Shala Sundar Shala

To register under this program, interested candidates can follow the below-mentioned steps:

Mazi Shala Sundar Shala
  • On homepage click on “मुख्यमंत्री माझी शाळा,सुंदर शाळा” option.
  • Enter your User ID, Password, and CAPTCHA on the login page then click on the “Login” option.
  • An application form appear on your screen.
  • Fill the required details such as Name, Address, Mobile Number and other mandatory details.
  • Attach all the relevant documents.
  • Click on Submit option to complete the registration process.
Contact Details



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